johnnie cochran: 1937-2005
So I'm sitting in my living room watching CNN (insert dork joke here), the breaking news on Anderson Cooper 360 is that Johnnie Cochran has died of a neural disease at age 67. Everyone knows who Johnnie Cochran is - he got O.J. aquitted. In fact, one of the main characters in the final episode of Seinfeld was a Johnnie Cochran look alike. He made a career pointing out racial discrimination in the legal system of Los Angeles. The headline on the CNN website included a quote from O.J. saying, "I loved him as a good Christian man; I look at Johnnie as a great Christian. I knew him as that. He was a great guy." Well, I knew a lot about Johnnie (not really a lot just what I've shared here), but I never in a million years would have pegged him as a "great Christian" - in all actuality, I wouldn't have pegged him as a Christian. In all likelyhood this could be because I don't KNOW Johnnie Cochran, but I'd like to think that people who don't know me - perhaps only know about me - would peg me as a Christian. Anyways, all of this got me to thinking that if the Johnnie that was portrayed wasn't the REAL Johnnie - then is there a discrepancy between the me that is portrayed and the real me? Just a thought.