say hello, wave goodbye

Monday, November 14, 2005

Who are you?

Who, who, who, who?

Now that that's out of my system.

I have a confession to make... I strive to be like Carl. So in an effort to achieve becoming anything like the great Carl Willis, I am posting a game that has graced my blog once before.

During the fall semester of my freshman year at Harding, I had Dr. Elrod for International Relations. While the class was mostly foreign policy-esque, Dr. Elrod had a Link of the Month that he would share in class. One month it was Guess the Dictator or Sit-com Character.

This game is still one of my favorite ways to fill/waste time, although Panda Bounce is up there.

Some of you might already be aware of this wonderful tool for procrastination, but for those of you who aren't - think of an obscure dictor/sit-com character and prepare to be entertained (or at least have 5 min of your day sucked away).


In other news: After a very fun dinner Sunday night, Jenifer gets the official "you rock my face off" for the week.


  • At 4:32 PM, Blogger crazykarl7 said…

    all you need to do to be like me is sport a broncos jersey every sunday and monday during the football season! :-)

    That and frustrate Jeff beyond belief regarding the vikings.


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